Monday, May 12, 2008

supermodel 101 vol.2

this is also my fav...

1. coco rocha

2. sasha pivarova
(prefer her than gemma)

3. julia stegner

4. jessica stam

5. natasha poly

my fav model list...
ade la dlm..77 org..


Asian Models Blogger said...

These are all good photos of the models, especially the ones for Coco, Jessica and Natasha. They all have that incredible "blank canvas" quality that makes it so easy for make-up artists and stylists to change their looks so drastically each time.

Julia and Sasha are simply gorgeous without the full make-up.

qifa said...

but the transformation is amazing..don't you think??

aizat.cinta.goddess said...

i suke jessica..she is my bff tau..hahha

qifa said...

perhaps i'm quite lembap aizat..but
wut's the meaning of "bff"??/

aizat.cinta.goddess said...

best friends forever..haha..the IM language..

and John is finbe to me..susah nak cari male model yg malay lah..